2006-03-04 19:46 bereziat
* ChangeLog, VERSION, include/windom/mt_dfrm.h: Set release number
to 0.4.4
2006-02-28 01:02 bereziat
* examples/: Makefile, README, demo.c, gcc295.mak: One Makefile to
compile with gcc 2.9.5 (and cross compile). Typo fix in demo.c a
README to explain how to compile (and status for other compilers)
2006-02-26 23:27 bereziat
* examples/demo.c: Updating (c) year and authors name :-)
2006-02-26 23:19 bereziat
* examples/gcc281.mak, examples/gcc295.mak, examples/lang.mak,
src/files.mak: patches to use windom from /usr/ instead of the
windom repository.
2006-02-26 21:55 bereziat
* include/windom/mt_dfrm.h, src/doxydoc.c: - Add a link from the
documentation to the tutorial - New drfm_revision number and
betatag set to '-cvs'
2006-02-26 21:25 bereziat
* Makefile, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.c,
docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.html, examples/demo.c, examples/lang.c,
include/dfrm.h, include/mt_dfrm.h, include/windom/dfrm.h,
include/windom/mt_dfrm.h, src/debug.c, src/doxydoc.c,
src/globals.h: - dfrm headers have moved in include/windom (as a
WinDom extension). - #include <[mt_]dfrm.h> changed to #include
<windom/[mt_]dfrm.h> in source files. - Some files were missing
in the export target from the main Makefile. - documentation and
tutorial updated prior to these changes.
2006-02-26 16:29 bereziat
* Makefile, include/mt_dfrm.h: BETATAG unset for the official
release. Some minor changes.
2006-02-16 21:14 bercegeay
* include/: dfrm.h, mt_dfrm.h: cplusplus compatible
2006-02-16 21:13 bercegeay
* examples/demo.c: explicitly include mt_dfrm.h so that the local
header file is loaded. Otherwise, dfrm.h will load
<windom/mt_dfrm.h> in the global compiler include path.
2006-02-16 20:59 bercegeay
* src/files.mak: fixed HEADERS variable (2 headers files now)
2006-02-14 18:47 bercegeay
* examples/demo.c: fixed: extended objects are now correctly
2006-02-14 00:40 bereziat
* examples/common.mak: Adding missing makefile
2006-02-13 23:24 bereziat
* Doxyfile, NEWS, src/doxydoc.c: Minor improvement of
2006-02-13 23:10 bereziat
* Doxyfile, README, TODO, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.html,
examples/demo.c, examples/img.c, include/dfrm.h,
include/mt_dfrm.h, src/Makefile, src/align.c, src/attach.c,
src/box.c, src/core.c, src/debug.c, src/dfrmstr.c, src/doxydoc.c,
src/gcc295.mak, src/icon.c, src/image.c, src/line.c, src/menu.c,
src/rscstr.c, src/slider.c, src/string.c, src/tedinfo.c,
src/thumb.c, src/tune.c: Change formulars into forms (english
2006-02-13 23:09 bereziat
* Makefile, VERSION: Makefile contains target to export the current
distribution (using VERSION file).
2006-02-13 23:02 bereziat
* src/: dead.c, dfrm.c: dead.c was the antic file before the cvs
import. dfrm.c was the first version of dfrm before scattering
lib into several modules.
2006-02-13 21:51 bereziat
* Doxyfile, README, TODO, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.html,
examples/demo.c, examples/img.c, include/dfrm.h,
include/mt_dfrm.h, src/Makefile, src/align.c, src/attach.c,
src/box.c, src/core.c, src/debug.c, src/dfrmstr.c, src/doxydoc.c,
src/icon.c, src/image.c, src/line.c, src/menu.c, src/pc.mak,
src/rscstr.c, src/slider.c, src/string.c, src/tedinfo.c,
src/thumb.c, src/tune.c: - Change Dynamical Formular in Dynamic
Formulars - update copyright year
2006-01-17 00:47 bereziat
* HISTORY, INSTALL, NEWS, README, include/mt_dfrm.h: File HISTORY
removed. One keep only a NEWS file. Update other files prior to
new Dfrm number version (0.4.2)
2006-01-17 00:35 bereziat
* include/mt_dfrm.h: MT calls are now specified in this file.
2006-01-17 00:33 bereziat
* include/dfrm.h: Keeps only non mt calls in this file. Adding
doxygen documentation.
2006-01-17 00:25 bereziat
* examples/: demo.c, lang.c: modify callback menu prototype with
respect to the new windom specification.
2005-12-11 18:40 bereziat
* examples/: lang.c, lang.en, lang.fr, lang.mak: Adding an example
of multi-language support.
2005-12-11 18:39 bereziat
* examples/demo.c: thumb example is build ''manually''. The macro
functions building thumbs needs to be finished, tested ...
2005-12-11 18:26 bereziat
* examples/: demo.c, gcc295.mak: - Adaptation of demo.c to WinDom 2
(more changes than in dfrm !).
2005-12-11 15:50 bereziat
* src/thumb.c: Adding macro-functions to build and handle easily
thumb forms/buttons.
2005-12-11 15:49 bereziat
* src/: align.c, attach.c, box.c, core.c, doxydoc.c, files.mak,
globals.h, icon.c, image.c, line.c, menu.c, rscstr.c, slider.c,
string.c, tedinfo.c, tune.c: - minor modifications due to new
WinDom 2 specifications. - doxygen documentation completed !
2005-12-10 18:21 bereziat
* src/rscstr.c: mt_dfrm_load_str() can read correctly DOS-file ans
2005-10-19 20:29 bercegeay
* examples/demo.c: The bug that make XEDIT object to crash under
N.AES is fixed (this was the calling of the AES function
objc_offset() within a userdef callback function)... so no need
anymore to disabled XEDIT object if N.AES is detected.
2005-03-18 23:05 bercegeay
* src/attach.c: - fixed _free_dfrm(): extended object are now
free-ed by calling mt_RsrcXtype(0).
- sync with current windom (added buff[8] parameter when needed)
2004-11-15 21:27 bereziat
* src/: core.c, debug.c: debug.c: dfrm_trace() uses the environ
variable DFRM_LOG to locate the log file. If this variable is not
defined, dfrm_trace() has not effect. core.c: removing now
useless dfrm_trace() calls.
2004-11-06 00:04 bereziat
* include/dfrm.h, src/Makefile, src/gcc295.mak, src/string.c,
examples/demo.c: Adding TYPE_PBUT (popup button). demo.c shows
now a popup button. Adapt demo.c to last mt-WinDom snapshoot
2004-10-01 20:42 bercegeay
* include/dfrm.h: add __DFRM_BETATAG__
2004-09-18 18:47 bercegeay
* src/attach.c: change type of callback functions (APPvar is now
the last param)
2004-09-07 21:46 bercegeay
* src/Makefile: add clean target
2004-09-07 21:46 bercegeay
* src/files.mak: add HEADERS variable (needed by make install)
2004-09-07 21:45 bercegeay
* src/gcc295.mak: add install target
2004-07-10 14:29 bereziat
* docs/tutorial/index.html: adding tutorial index file
2004-07-09 15:16 bereziat
* Doxyfile: Adding doxygen config
2004-07-09 15:15 bereziat
* NEWS, docs/tutorial/tut1/Makefile,
docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1-1.gif, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1-2.gif,
docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1-3.gif, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1-4.gif,
docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.c, docs/tutorial/tut1/tut_1.html,
examples/gcc295.mak, src/doxydoc.c, src/icon.c: Adding NEWS file
Importing tutorial
2004-07-05 00:51 bereziat
* src/globals.h: Import DFRM 0.4.1
2004-07-04 23:07 bereziat
examples/demo.c, examples/dom.gif, examples/gcc281.mak,
examples/gcc295.mak, examples/icons.h, examples/icons.hrd,
examples/icons.rsc, examples/img.c, examples/img.h,
examples/motif2.iff, examples/pc.mak, include/dfrm.h,
src/Makefile, src/align.c, src/attach.c, src/box.c, src/core.c,
src/dead.c, src/debug.c, src/dfrm.c, src/dfrmstr.c,
src/dfrmstr.mak, src/doxydoc.c, src/files.mak, src/gcc281.mak,
src/gcc295.mak, src/icon.c, src/image.c, src/line.c, src/menu.c,
src/pc-old.mak, src/pc.mak, src/rscstr.c, src/slider.c,
src/sox.mak, src/string.c, src/tedinfo.c, src/tune.c: Import DFRM
module version 0.4.1