Notes about DFRM programmation

About DFRM function parameters

As WinDom from version 1.2, DFRM is safe-multithread. So there is two king of fonctions :

Exception of the application descriptor for mt-functions, DFRM functions have three kind of parameter :

Strategy for multi-alignement of objects

DFRM (dfrm_add()) can align objects in horizontal direction or in vertical direction but it is not possible to change direction during the building of objects. To place an object, dfrm_add() uses always the position of previous object brother (i.e. previous child of parent object) to compute the object position. If you align verticaly an object than horizontaly an another object, this last object will be placed on a diagonal !

If you want to align objects in the two directions, you have to group objects with the same alignement in an insivible box (see dfrm_new_box()), then other objects and the invisible box can be aligned in the other direction.

For example, to build :

 but2 but3 but4

you have to :

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