The purpose of this example is to create a alert box : a box containing a text object and two buttons "Ok" and "Cancel".
#include <stdlib.h> #include <windom/dfrm.h> void ApTerm( void); void WinTerm( WINDOW *win, void *data); void main( void) { WINDOW *win; void* dial; ApplInit(); dial = dfrm_create( 10, TYPE_NORMAL); dfrm_setw( dial, ROOT, 100); dfrm_seth( dial, ROOT, 50); win = dfrm_form( dial,WAT_FORM,"Alert Box", TRUE); EvntAttach( NULL, AP_TERM, ApTerm); for( ;;) EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } void ApTerm(void) { while( wglb.first) { ApplWrite(, WM_DESTROY, wglb.first->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0); EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } ApplExit(); exit( 0); } |
First StepFirst of all, you have to initialise WinDom. Next we declare a local variable to build our dialog box : a dialog pointer. The second thing to do is to create a master dialog structure. The function dfrm_create() creates :
The third thing is to place the dialog form into a window using dfrm_open(). This function is a custom call of the WinDom function FormCreate(). Rest of the code address some WinDom aspect to handle GEM event : the callback function ApTerm() catches AP_TERM message (application terminaison), and we handle GEM event in an infinite loop.
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#include <stdlib.h> #include <windom/dfrm.h> void ApTerm( void); void WinTerm( WINDOW *win, void *data); void main( void) { WINDOW *win; void* dial; int child; ApplInit(); dial = dfrm_create( 10, TYPE_NORMAL); /* Useless code dfrm_setw( dial, ROOT, 100); dfrm_seth( dial, ROOT, 50); */ child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "This alert box"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, -1, DIR_VERT); child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "is designed using DFRM"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, 0, DIR_VERT); win = dfrm_form( dial,WAT_FORM,"Alert Box", TRUE); EvntAttach( NULL, AP_TERM, ApTerm); for( ;;) EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } void ApTerm(void) { while( wglb.first) { ApplWrite(, WM_DESTROY, wglb.first->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0); EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } ApplExit(); exit( 0); } |
Second StepIn the next step, we add two labeled objects. For that purpose we have to declare a local variable, child, which hold the index of created object. Directive of size on the root object (dfrm_setw() and dfrm_seth()) are now useness because when we add children objects to a object, its size is recomputed in order to contain its children objects. DFRM functions with prefix dfrm_new_ create new objects. Here we create two label objects with dfrm_new_label(). After object creation, we can add it in the dialog structure using dfrm_add(). So They are added as children of ROOT object, they are vertically aligned, each object are spaced using a demi-height character (-1). Objects are placed from 2 width character (-4) from the left border because objects are left-aligned by default.
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#include <stdlib.h> #include <windom/dfrm.h> void ApTerm( void); void WinTerm( WINDOW *win, void *data); void main( void) { WINDOW *win; void* dial; int child, parent; ApplInit(); dial = dfrm_create( 10, TYPE_NORMAL); child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "This alert box"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, -1, DIR_VERT); child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "is designed using DFRM"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, 0, DIR_VERT); /* 1. Create an Invisible BOX */ parent = dfrm_new_box( dial, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* 2. create a button */ child = dfrm_new_button( dial, TYPE_XDBUT, "Exit"); /* 3. horizontaly aligned in inv. box */ dfrm_add( dial, parent, child, 0, -1, DIR_HORI); /* another button */ child = dfrm_new_button( dial, TYPE_XEBUT, "[Info"); dfrm_add( dial, parent, child, -4, -1, DIR_HORI); /* 4. adding invisible box in ROOT object */ dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, parent, -4, 0, DIR_VERT); win = dfrm_form( dial,WAT_FORM,"Alert Box", TRUE); EvntAttach( NULL, AP_TERM, ApTerm); for( ;;) EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } void ApTerm(void) { while( wglb.first) { ApplWrite(, WM_DESTROY, wglb.first->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0); EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } ApplExit(); exit( 0); } |
Third StepNow, we want to add horizontaly aligned buttons above label objects. We need a second local variable containing a parent object index. To align horizontal buttons we have to :
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#include <stdlib.h> #include <windom/dfrm.h> void ApTerm( void); void WinTerm( WINDOW *win, void *data); void winfo( WINDOW *win, int index); void wclose( WINDOW *win, int index); void main( void) { WINDOW *win; void* dial; int child, parent; ApplInit(); dial = dfrm_create( 10, TYPE_NORMAL); child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "This alert box"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, -1, DIR_VERT); dfrm_align( dial, child, DIR_HORI, ALIGN_CENTER); child = dfrm_new_label( dial, TYPE_LABEL, "is designed using DFRM"); dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, child, -4, 0, DIR_VERT); dfrm_align( dial, child, DIR_HORI, ALIGN_CENTER); /* 1. Create an Invisible BOX */ parent = dfrm_new_box( dial, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* 2. create a button */ child = dfrm_new_button( dial, TYPE_XDBUT, "Exit"); dfrm_attach( dial, child, BIND_FUNC, wclose); /* 3. horizontaly aligned in inv. box */ dfrm_add( dial, parent, child, 0, -1, DIR_HORI); /* another button */ child = dfrm_new_button( dial, TYPE_XEBUT, "[Info"); dfrm_add( dial, parent, child, -4, -1, DIR_HORI); dfrm_attach( dial, child, BIND_FUNC, winfo); /* 4. adding invisible box in ROOT object */ dfrm_add( dial, ROOT, parent, -4, 0, DIR_VERT); dfrm_align( dial, parent, DIR_HORI, ALIGN_CENTER); dfrm_repack( dial); win = dfrm_form( dial, WAT_FORM,"Alert Box", TRUE); EvntAttach( NULL, AP_TERM, ApTerm); for( ;;) EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } void ApTerm(void) { while( wglb.first) { ApplWrite(, WM_DESTROY, wglb.first->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0); EvntWindom( MU_MESAG); } ApplExit(); exit( 0); } void wclose( WINDOW *win, int index) { ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); ApplWrite(, AP_TERM, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } void winfo( WINDOW *win, int index) { FormAlert( 1, "[1][Compiling using|WinDom v%x.%02x" "|DFRM v%x.%02x][OK]", WinDom.patchlevel >> 8 , WinDom.patchlevel & 0x00FF, __DFRM_MAJOR__,__DFRM_MINOR__); ObjcChange( OC_FORM, win, index, NORMAL, TRUE); } |
Last StepIn this last step, we can adding some alignement/justification directive. For example, we want to center texts and buttons inside the form : we specified a centered directive for each concerned object using dfrm_align() function. Directives of alignment are effective only after the function dfrm_repack() is invoked.
We finish by adding callback funtions to selectable objects. We attach the functions :