Example 2.3 of the tutorial : Menu and toolbar in windows

 * WinDom: a high level GEM library
 * Copyright (c) 1997-2006 windom authors (see AUTHORS file)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
 * $Source: /cvsroot/windom/htdocs/doc/html/group__tut2__3.html,v $
 * CVS info:
 *   $Author: bercegeay $
 *   $Date: 2006/06/22 11:58:28 $
 *   $Revision: 1.5 $

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <windom.h>

#include "text.h"
#include "tut_2.h"

OBJECT *get_tree( int index) {
    OBJECT *tree;
    rsrc_gaddr( 0, index, &tree);
    return tree;

void __CDECL evnt_draw_text( WINDOW *win, short buff[8], void *data) {
  short x, y, w, h;
  short hcell, hcar;
  short i, attr[10];
  short y_max, h_offset;
  TEXT *ptext = (TEXT *) data;

  /* Get window workarea coordinate */
  WindGet( win, WF_WORKXYWH, &x, &y, &w, &h);
  y_max = MIN( y + h, win->graf->clip.g_y + win->graf->clip.g_h) - 1;

  /* Get height of cellule and character */
  vqt_attributes( win->graf->handle, attr);
  hcell = attr[9];
  hcar  = attr[7];
  /* Foreground */
  vswr_mode( win->graf->handle, MD_TRANS);

  /* vertical offset for a nice text drawing */
  h_offset = hcell - hcar; 
  /* from the first line visible to the end ...
   * Convention: we have always 0 <= win->ypos < win->yposmax */
  for( i=win->ypos; i<win->ypos_max ; i++)  {
    y += hcell;

    /* If the line is upper than the clipped zone? */
    if( y < win->graf->clip.g_y)
    /* line inside the window ? */
    if( strlen( ptext->line[ i]) > win->xpos) 
      v_gtext(win->graf->handle, x, y - h_offset, ptext->line[i] + win->xpos);
    /* End if the line is downer than the clipped zone */
    if (y > y_max) 

void __CDECL menuwin_unhilight( WINDOW *win, short msg[]) {
    MenuTnormal( win, msg[3], 1);

void __CDECL menuwin_info( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *text) {
    FormAlert( 1, FA_INFO "[%s|%d lines %d %d][OK]", win->name, ((TEXT*)text)->maxline, index, title);

void __CDECL menuwin_close( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *data) {
    ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_DESTROY, win->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0);

void __CDECL menuwin_cycle( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *data) {
    WINDOW *top = win->next?win->next:wglb.first;
    ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_TOPPED, top->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0);

void __CDECL menuwin_full( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *data) {
    if( win->status & WS_FULLSIZE) {
        short x, y, w, h;

        WindGet( win, WF_PREVXYWH, &x, &y, &w, &h);
        ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_SIZED, win->handle, x, y, w, h);
    } else 
        ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_FULLED, win->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0);

void __CDECL menuwin_iconify( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *data) {
    short x, y, w, h;
    if( win->status & WS_ICONIFY) {
        WindGet( win, WF_PREVXYWH, &x, &y, &w, &h);
        ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_UNICONIFY, win->handle, x, y, w, h);
    } else {
            give_iconifyxywh( &x, &y, &w, &h);
        ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_ICONIFY, win->handle, x, y, w, h);

void __CDECL evnt_destroy_text( WINDOW *win, short buff[8], void *text) {
    free_text( (TEXT*)text);

WINDOW *OpenText( TEXT *text) {
    WINDOW *win;
    short attrib[10];

    win = WindCreate( WAT_NOINFO, -1, -1, app.w/2, app.h/2);
    EvntDataAdd( win, WM_REDRAW, evnt_draw_text, text, EV_BOT);
    EvntDataAdd( win, WM_DESTROY, evnt_destroy_text, text, EV_TOP);

    /* Put a menu inside the window */
    WindSetPtr( win, WF_MENU, get_tree( MENUWIN), menuwin_unhilight);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( win, MENUWIN_INFO,    menuwin_info,    text);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( win, MENUWIN_CLOSE,   menuwin_close,   text);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( win, MENUWIN_CYCLE,   menuwin_cycle,   text);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( win, MENUWIN_ICONIFY, menuwin_iconify, text);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( win, MENUWIN_FULL,    menuwin_full,    text);

    /* Maximal lenght of a line */
    win -> xpos_max = 255;
    /* Number of line */
    win -> ypos_max = text->maxline;
    vqt_attributes( win->graf->handle, attrib);
    /* Height of a cell character */
    win -> w_u = attrib[8];  
    /* Width of a cell character */
    win -> h_u = attrib[9];  
    /* Height of a character */
    text-> wchar = attrib[6];
    /* Width of a character */
    text-> hchar = attrib[7];
    /* Open the window */
    WindOpen( win, app.x, app.y, app.w, app.h);
    /* Update the size and position of sliders */
    WindSlider( win, HSLIDER|VSLIDER);
    return win;

int endprog = FALSE;

void evnt_apterm( ) {
    while( wglb.first) {
        ApplWrite( _AESapid, WM_DESTROY, wglb.first->handle, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        EvntWindom( MU_MESAG);
    /* Something to say about the standard destroy function */
    endprog = TRUE;

void __CDECL menudesk_load( WINDOW *null, int index, int title, void *data) {
    TEXT *text;
    WINDOW *win;
    static char path[256]="", name[64]="";

    if( FselInput(path, name, "*.*", "View text file", NULL, NULL)) {
        char filename[256];

        strcpy( filename, path);
        strcat( filename, name);

        text = load_text( filename);
        if( text) {
            static char icontitle[] = "TUT 2-3";
            void std_rdw();
            win = OpenText( text);
            WindSetStr( win, WF_NAME, text->filename);
            WindSetStr( win, WF_ICONTITLE, icontitle);
            WindSetPtr( win, WF_ICONDRAW, WindClear, NULL);
    MenuTnormal( NULL, title, 1);

void __CDECL menudesk_info( WINDOW *win, int index, int title, void *data) {
    FormAlert( 1, FA_INFO "[Tutorial WinDom|File " __FILE__ 
           "|by D. B‚r‚ziat (c) 2004][Ok]");
    MenuTnormal( NULL, title, 1);

int main(void) {

    /* Load the resource file */
    if( RsrcLoad( "tut_2.rsc") == 0) {
        FormAlert( 1, FA_ERROR "[Can not locate tut-2.rsc][Fatal]");
        return -1;

    /* Install the desktop menu */
    MenuBar( get_tree( MENUDESK), 1);

    /* Register application for MultiTOS */
    menu_register( _AESapid, "  Tutorial WinDom 2-3 ");

    /* A new function ! See tut-3-* for details */
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( NULL, MENUDESK_OPEN, menudesk_load, NULL);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( NULL, MENUDESK_INFO, menudesk_info, NULL);
    ObjcAttachMenuFunc( NULL, MENUDESK_QUIT, evnt_apterm,   NULL);

    /* bind some events */
    EvntAttach( NULL, AP_TERM, evnt_apterm);

    /* Handle GEM events */
    while( !endprog) EvntWindom( MU_MESAG + MU_KEYBD);

    MenuBar( get_tree(MENUDESK), 0);

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Generated on Thu Jun 22 11:45:28 2006 for WinDom by  doxygen 1.4.6