globals.h File Reference

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "wportab.h"
#include "options.h"
#include <osbind.h>
#include <mintbind.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include "toserror.h"
#include <compiler.h>
#include "../include/windom/list.h"
#include "../include/mt_wndm.h"
#include "../include/windom/udlib.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  ev_msg
struct  FRAME
struct  _config
 configuration of windom applications More...
struct  _bind
struct  W_PARM
struct  SMENU
struct  ty_obspec_dup
struct  USER_DRAW
struct  __windowlist
struct  ulib_obj_struct
struct  udef_lib_struct
struct  APPprivate_struct
struct  RSXHDR
struct  NRSHDR
struct  UBLK
struct  _rsc
struct  slider
struct  _thumb
struct  fontid
struct  bubble


#define APPRSVD   struct APPprivate_struct
#define SCREENMGR   1
#define CONF(ap)   (&ap->priv->config)
#define HI16(a)   ((INT16)((long)(a) >> 16) & 0xFFFFL )
#define LO16(a)   ((INT16)(long)(a) & 0xFFFFL )
#define SYSMENU(app)   (app->aes4 & AES4_MENUBAR) && (CONF(app)->flag & FLG_MNSYSTEM)
#define ROOTS   0
#define OUTLINED_WIDTH   3
#define GETFINFO(app, win)   ((FRAMEINFO*)mt_DataSearch( app, win, WD_WFRI))
#define EVM_DISABLE   0x2
#define EVM_IN_USE   0x4
#define EVM_DELETED   0x8
#define FCENTER   6
#define SYSFONT   0
#define USERDRAW   0xFF
#define XCICON   0x0D
#define XSMENU   0x01
#define _FSM   0x5F46534DUL


typedef ev_msg EV_MSG
typedef _config CONFIG
 configuration of windom applications
typedef _bind BIND
typedef __windowlist WINDOWLIST
typedef ulib_obj_struct UDLIB_OBJ
typedef udef_lib_struct UDLIB_LIB
typedef APPprivate_struct APPprivate
typedef _rsc RSC
typedef slider SLIDER
typedef _thumb THUMB


int mt_slid_newpos (APPvar *app, void *_slid)
void __CDECL frm_drw (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage redraw event on form
void __CDECL frm_mvd (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-moved event on form
void __CDECL frm_tpd (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-topped event on form
void __CDECL frm_fld (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-fulled event on form
void __CDECL frm_click (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage mouse click event on form
void __CDECL frm_keyhd (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage keyboard event on form
void __CDECL frm_dstry (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage destroy event on form
void * __malloc_obspec (APPvar *app, OBJECT *p_ob, long size)
void __free_obspec (APPvar *app, OBJECT *p_ob)
void __freeall_obspec (APPvar *app)
int scrap_txt_write (APPvar *app, char *str)
char * scrap_txt_read (APPvar *app)
int __CDECL wind_aes_get_root_handle (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
int __CDECL wind_aes_get (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int mode, GRECT *clip, INT16 *x, INT16 *y, INT16 *w, INT16 *h)
 Get window attributes.
int __CDECL wind_aes_set (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int mode, int x, int y, int w, int h)
 set/change window attributes.
int __CDECL wind_aes_calc (APPvar *app, WINDOW *wind, int type, int x, int y, int w, int h, INT16 *xout, INT16 *yout, INT16 *wout, INT16 *hout)
int __CDECL wind_aes_remove (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
OBJECT * get_frame_slider (APPvar *app)
void set_gadget_pos (APPvar *app, WINDOW *frame, GRECT *r1, int mode)
void __frame_set_widget (APPvar *app, int parm1)
int remove_frame_from_list (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, WINDOW *child)
int mt_ObjcAttach (APPvar *app, int mode, WINDOW *win, int __index, int type,...)
 Attach a variable or a callback function at an object.
void mt_RsrcUserFree (APPvar *, OBJECT *)
int is_modal (APPvar *app)
int obj_fd_flag (OBJECT *, int, int)
int obj_fd_xtype (OBJECT *dial, int racine, int flag)
int obj_nb (OBJECT *)
int obj_root (OBJECT *tree, int idx)
void mt_DataClear (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
 Remove all the window data list items.
void mt_DataTrace (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void mt_AddWindow (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void mt_RemoveWindow (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void add_slash (char *path)
void init_scroll_menu (APPvar *app)
void exit_scroll_menu (APPvar *app)
WORD __CDECL draw_submenu (PARMBLK *pblk)
void GemCode2Ascii (int key, int kstate, char *txt)
int mt_GetIndexMenu (APPvar *app, OBJECT *menu, int title)
void mt_menu_bind (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int item, int title)
int get_next_obj (OBJECT *tree, int __index)
void objc_extended (APPvar *app, int mode, OBJECT *tree)
void objc_extfree (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree)
int objc_wform_edit (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, W_FORM *wform, OBJECT *tree, int obj, int val, INT16 *idx, int kind)
int mt_vFormAlert (APPvar *app, int but, char fmt[], va_list list)
int mt_vConfInquire (APPvar *app, char *keyword, char *fmt, va_list args)
int mt_vConfWrite (APPvar *app, char *name, char *fmt, va_list args)
void __CDECL std_apterm (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage application-terminated event
void __CDECL std_cls (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-closed event
void __CDECL std_tpd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-topped event
void __CDECL std_mvd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-moved event
void __CDECL std_szd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-sized event
void __CDECL std_fld (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-fulled event
void __CDECL std_icn (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-iconify event
void __CDECL std_unicn (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-uniconify event
void __CDECL std_allicn (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-alliconify event
void __CDECL std_arw (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-arrowed event
void __CDECL std_sldxy (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage "move-work" actions
void __CDECL std_dnlnd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window down-up event
void __CDECL std_uplnd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window line-up event
void __CDECL std_lflnd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window line-left event
void __CDECL std_rtlnd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window line-right event
void __CDECL std_dnpgd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window page-down event
void __CDECL std_uppgd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window page-up event
void __CDECL std_rtpgd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window page-right event
void __CDECL std_lfpgd (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window page-left event
void __CDECL std_vsld (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window vertical-slider event
void __CDECL std_hsld (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window horizontal-slider event
void __CDECL std_dstry (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-destroyed event
void __CDECL std_btm (WINDOW *, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage window-bottomed event
void __CDECL std_comp_reflow (COMPONENT *c, long buff[8], APPvar *app)
 standard callback function to manage CM_REFLOW event
void __CDECL std_fntchg (WINDOW *win, short buff[8], APPvar *app)
void move_screen (APPvar *app, int vhandle, GRECT *screen, int dx, int dy)
void move_work_rect (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, GRECT *rect, int dx, int dy)
void move_work (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int dx, int dy)
void __CDECL std_mwk (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
int menu_exec_cmd (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void menu_draw_grect (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, OBJECT *menu, GRECT *work, GRECT *clip)
void wind_menu_draw (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, GRECT *clip)
int wind_menu_set (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int mode, void *v1, func_evnt handler)
 Set the WINDOW menu appropriately.
int frm_menu (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
int frm_keybd_ev (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree)
int is_menu (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
int ob_istype (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, int type)
int frm_buttn_ev (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int mode)
void _do_update (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, short buff[8])
void list_ev_msg (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, char *str)
void get_appname (APPvar *app, char *name)
int vq_mint (void)
 return the version of MiNT
int vq_magx (void)
 test if MagiC is present and returns the version number
int vq_extfs (char *)
 test of long filename
WINDOWwlst_get_bottom (APPvar *app)
WINDOWwlst_get_next (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
WINDOWwlst_get_top (APPvar *app)
void wlst_remove (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void wlst_add_bottom (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void wlst_add_top (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void wlst_recompute_wglb (APPvar *app)
int load_fontid (APPvar *app)
void close_fontid (APPvar *app)
void mt_snd_mu_button (APPvar *app, int mbut, int nbclick)
long __cookieptr (void)
int frm_menu_beta (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
int udlib_reinit (APPvar *app)
int udlib_exit (APPvar *app)
 free all userdef libraries
int udlib_garbage (APPvar *app)
 free unused userdef libraries
int udlib_extended (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, int mode)
int udlib_unextended (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, OBJECT *cpy)
int udlib_extfree (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob)
int udlib_add_obj (UDLIB_LIB *udlib, OBJECT *tree, int ob, int ob_type)
int udlib_rm_obj (UDLIB_LIB *udlib, OBJECT *tree, int ob)
int udlib_string (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, char *put, char **retval)
int udlib_char (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, int put, int *retval)
int udlib_edit (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int ob, int val, short *idx, int kind, int nclip, GRECT *gclip)
int udlib_get_edpos (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, long object, long x, long y)
int udlib_get_type (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int object)
UDLIB_OBJudlib_objfind (UDLIB_LIB *udlib, OBJECT *tree, int ob)
int udlib_ConfSetLib (APPvar *app, const char *libname)
int udlib_ConfAddLib (APPvar *app, const char *libname, short head)
char * udlib_ConfGetFirstLib (APPvar *app)
char * udlib_ConfGetNextLib (char *prev)
short __CDECL cdecl_draw_cicon (long vdih, OBJECT *tree, long ob, long ob_state, long ob_x, long ob_y)
COMPONENTcomp_reflow (COMPONENT *c, APPvar *app)
void comp_dfs (COMPONENT *p, long *buff, APPvar *app)
 COMPONENT handlers.
COMPONENTwin_comp_get (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void win_comp_attach (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, COMPONENT *c)
COMPONENTwin_comp_getfocus (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win)
void win_comp_setfocus (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, COMPONENT *f)
int comp_slider_set (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, COMPONENT *wgtc, int mode, int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
COMPONENTcomp_objc_create (APPvar *app, OBJECT *o, short type, long size, short flex)
COMPONENTcomp_wind_create (APPvar *app, WINDOW *w, short type, long size, short flex)
int comp_widget_set (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, COMPONENT *wgtc, int mode, int par1, int par2, int par3, int par4)
COMPONENTcomp_widget_create (APPvar *app, WINDOW *win, int size, int flex)
COMPONENTcomp_slider_create (APPvar *app, int mode, int width, int sz, int flex)
void comp_slider_link (APPvar *app, COMPONENT *c, COMPONENT *s, int mode)
 Link the slider and the controlled component.
COMPONENTcomp_split_create (APPvar *app, int mode, int sz)
void mt_CompDataClear (APPvar *app, COMPONENT *c)
 Remove all the component data list items.
void mt_CompDataTrace (APPvar *app, COMPONENT *c)
APPvar__mt_ApplInit (short *global)
int __mt_ApplExit (APPvar *app)

Define Documentation

#define _FSM   0x5F46534DUL

#define APPRSVD   struct APPprivate_struct

#define CONF ap   )     (&ap->priv->config)

#define EVM_DELETED   0x8

#define EVM_DISABLE   0x2

#define EVM_IN_USE   0x4

#define FCENTER   6

#define GETFINFO app,
win   )     ((FRAMEINFO*)mt_DataSearch( app, win, WD_WFRI))

#define HI16  )     ((INT16)((long)(a) >> 16) & 0xFFFFL )

#define LO16  )     ((INT16)(long)(a) & 0xFFFFL )

#define OUTLINED_WIDTH   3

#define ROOTS   0

#define SCREENMGR   1

#define SYSFONT   0

#define SYSMENU app   )     (app->aes4 & AES4_MENUBAR) && (CONF(app)->flag & FLG_MNSYSTEM)

#define USERDRAW   0xFF

#define XCICON   0x0D

#define XSMENU   0x01

Typedef Documentation

typedef struct APPprivate_struct APPprivate

typedef struct _bind BIND

typedef struct _config CONFIG

configuration of windom applications

This structure is private (not accessible for programmer of application). If you want to change a config data, you should use mt_ApplSet() or ask the user to modify its windom configuration file.

typedef struct ev_msg EV_MSG

typedef struct _rsc RSC

typedef struct slider SLIDER

typedef struct _thumb THUMB

typedef struct udef_lib_struct UDLIB_LIB

typedef struct ulib_obj_struct UDLIB_OBJ

typedef struct __windowlist WINDOWLIST

Function Documentation

long __cookieptr void   ) 

void __frame_set_widget APPvar app,
int  parm1

void __free_obspec APPvar app,
OBJECT *  p_ob

void __freeall_obspec APPvar app  ) 

void* __malloc_obspec APPvar app,
OBJECT *  p_ob,
long  size

int __mt_ApplExit APPvar app  ) 

APPvar* __mt_ApplInit short *  global  ) 

void _do_update APPvar app,
short  buff[8]

void add_slash char *  path  ) 

short __CDECL cdecl_draw_cicon long  vdih,
OBJECT *  tree,
long  ob,
long  ob_state,
long  ob_x,
long  ob_y

void close_fontid APPvar app  ) 

void comp_dfs COMPONENT p,
long *  buff,
APPvar app

COMPONENT handlers.

COMPONENT* comp_objc_create APPvar app,
OBJECT *  o,
short  type,
long  size,
short  flex

APPvar app

COMPONENT* comp_slider_create APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  width,
int  sz,
int  flex

void comp_slider_link APPvar app,
int  mode

Link the slider and the controlled component.

c the component to control (slider messages to be sent to)
s slider component
mode CS_VSLIDE or CS_HSLIDE according to which direction the slider s is to be used in by c.

int comp_slider_set APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3,
int  par4

COMPONENT* comp_split_create APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  sz

COMPONENT* comp_widget_create APPvar app,
int  size,
int  flex

int comp_widget_set APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3,
int  par4

COMPONENT* comp_wind_create APPvar app,
short  type,
long  size,
short  flex

WORD __CDECL draw_submenu PARMBLK *  pblk  ) 

void exit_scroll_menu APPvar app  ) 

int frm_buttn_ev APPvar app,
int  mode

int frm_keybd_ev APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree

int frm_menu APPvar app,

int frm_menu_beta APPvar app,

void GemCode2Ascii int  key,
int  kstate,
char *  txt

void get_appname APPvar app,
char *  name

OBJECT* get_frame_slider APPvar app  ) 

int get_next_obj OBJECT *  tree,
int  __index

void init_scroll_menu APPvar app  ) 

int is_menu APPvar app,

int is_modal APPvar app  ) 

void list_ev_msg APPvar app,
char *  str

int load_fontid APPvar app  ) 

void menu_draw_grect APPvar app,
OBJECT *  menu,
GRECT *  work,
GRECT *  clip

int menu_exec_cmd APPvar app,

void move_screen APPvar app,
int  vhandle,
GRECT *  screen,
int  dx,
int  dy

void move_work APPvar app,
int  dx,
int  dy

void move_work_rect APPvar app,
GRECT *  rect,
int  dx,
int  dy

void mt_AddWindow APPvar app,

void mt_CompDataClear APPvar app,

Remove all the component data list items.

app application descriptor,
c component descriptor.
See also:

void mt_CompDataTrace APPvar app,

void mt_DataClear APPvar app,

Remove all the window data list items.

app application descriptor,
win window descriptor or NULL for application data list.
Used by destroy callback function to release memory.
See also:

void mt_DataTrace APPvar app,

int mt_GetIndexMenu APPvar app,
OBJECT *  menu,
int  title

void mt_menu_bind APPvar app,
int  item,
int  title

int mt_ObjcAttach APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  ob,
int  type,

Attach a variable or a callback function at an object.

app application descriptor,
mode destination type
  • OC_FORM if the object is in a window formular,
  • OC_TOOLBAR object is in a toolbar,
  • OC_MENU object is in a window menu,
win targeted window or NULL,
ob object index to attach,
type type of binding
  • BIND_VAR attach a variable,
  • BIND_BIT attach a specific bit of a variable,
  • BIND_FUNC attach a function,
... variable argument list depending on value of type parameter. With BIND_VAR and BIND_BIT, argument is a pointer to the (integer) variable to bind. BIND_BIT requires a second parameter which is the bit to bind. BIND_VAR requires a second parameter which is the value of the variable when the object is selected. With BIND_FUNC, argument is a pointer to the function and a second optional argument is a pointer to a user data which will given to the function (see examples).
0 or a negative code error.
mt_ObjcAttach() attaches a function or a variable at an object from a window formular, a toolbar or a menu. The rules are differents if you use a formular and a toolbar or a menu.

With formulars or toolbars, only EXIT or TOUCHEXIT objects can be attached at a callback function. When the user selects these objects, the callback function is invoked. Only SELECTABLE objects can be binded to a variable When the user selects these objects, the variable is set to its "value_when_selected" value. Only SELECTABLE objects can be binded to a bitset. When the user selects these objects, the bit of the variable is set. If such object is unselected, then the bit is cleared. Please note that all these rules also appli for RADIO button (the variable is no more filled with the index of the selected object).

With menu, an item of the menu can be attached at a function or at a bitset. When an item is linked to a bitset, it is checked or unchecked when the user selects it. The variable linked is filled with 1 or 0 (or a specific bit with the BIND_BIT mode) when the item is checked or unchecked. Notice desktop menu is addressed if win parameter is set to NULL.

Callback function prototype
A function linked with to an object in a formular or a toolbar has the following interface:
  void __CDECL func ( APPvar *ap, WINDOW *win, int ob, int mode, void *data);
where win is the host window, ob is the index of the attached object and mode can be OC_FORM, OC_TOOLBAR or OC_MENU. If an user data pointer is specified with ObjcAttach(), this pointer can be read as a fourth parameter of the binded function (data in our example).

A function linked to a menu object has an additionnal parameter - title - which indicated the menu title index selected. This parameter is required by mt_MenuTNormal():

  void __CDECL func ( APPvar *ap, WINDOW *win, int ob, int mode, int title, void *data);
The fifth parameter data is an optional user pointer data specified by mt_ObjcAttach().

It's highly recommended to use specialized ObjcAttachXxx() functions instead of this general function. They are:

  • mt_ObjcAttachVar() similar to mt_ObjcAttach(...,BIND_VAR,...)
  • mt_ObjcAttachBit() similar to mt_ObjcAttac(...,BIND_BIT,...)
  • mt_ObjcAttachFormFunc() similar to mt_ObjcAttach(OC_FORM,...,BIND_FUNC,...)
  • mt_ObjcAttachTBFunc() similar to mt_ObjcAttach(OC_TOOLBAR,...,BIND_FUNC,...)
  • mt_ObjcAttachMenuFunc() similar to mt_ObjcAttach(OC_MENU,...,BIND_FUNC,...)

static int radio = 1;
#define OPTION1 0x1 // bit 0
#define OPTION2 0x2 // bit 1
#define OPTION3 0x4     // bit 2
static int options = 0;

 // Before : create the form with FormCreate()
 // Then attach the objects
 // 3 radio buttons in a formular
 // the variable "radio" will contain either 1, 2 or 3
 // depending on the selected radio button
  ObjcAttachVar( OC_FORM, win, RAD1, &radio, 1);
  ObjcAttachVar( OC_FORM, win, RAD2, &radio, 2);
  ObjcAttachVar( OC_FORM, win, RAD3, &radio, 3);

  // some checkboxes ... 
  ObjcAttachBit( OC_FORM, win, BUT1, &options, OPTION1);
  ObjcAttachBit( OC_FORM, win, BUT2, &options, OPTION2);
  ObjcAttachBit( OC_FORM, win, BUT3, &options, OPTION3);

  // An example of function linked to an object
  // see after for the definition of the function
  ObjcAttachFormFunc( win, OK, ButOk, "a dummy data");

// Function linked to OK object
void ButOk( WINDOW *win, int ob, int mode, char *mydata) {
  // Unselect the object ... 
  ObjcChange( mode, win, ob, NORMAL, 0);
  puts( mydata); // Should print 'a dummy data' ...
  // ... and destroy the window
  ApplWrite(, WM_DESTROY, win->handle);

void mt_RemoveWindow APPvar app,

void mt_RsrcUserFree APPvar ,

int mt_slid_newpos APPvar app,
void *  _slid

void mt_snd_mu_button APPvar app,
int  mbut,
int  nbclick

int mt_vConfInquire APPvar app,
char *  keyword,
char *  fmt,
va_list  args

int mt_vConfWrite APPvar app,
char *  name,
char *  fmt,
va_list  args

int mt_vFormAlert APPvar app,
int  but,
char  fmt[],
va_list  list

int ob_istype APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
int  type

int obj_fd_flag OBJECT *  ,
int  ,

int obj_fd_xtype OBJECT *  dial,
int  racine,
int  flag

int obj_nb OBJECT *   ) 

int obj_root OBJECT *  tree,
int  idx

void objc_extended APPvar app,
int  mode,
OBJECT *  tree

void objc_extfree APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree

int objc_wform_edit APPvar app,
W_FORM wform,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  obj,
int  val,
INT16 *  idx,
int  kind

int remove_frame_from_list APPvar app,
WINDOW child

char* scrap_txt_read APPvar app  ) 

int scrap_txt_write APPvar app,
char *  str

void set_gadget_pos APPvar app,
WINDOW frame,
GRECT *  r1,
int  mode

void __CDECL std_fntchg WINDOW win,
short  buff[8],
APPvar app

void __CDECL std_mwk APPvar app,

int udlib_add_obj UDLIB_LIB udlib,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
int  ob_type

int udlib_char APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
int  put,
int *  retval

int udlib_ConfAddLib APPvar app,
const char *  libname,
short  head

char* udlib_ConfGetFirstLib APPvar app  ) 

char* udlib_ConfGetNextLib char *  prev  ) 

int udlib_ConfSetLib APPvar app,
const char *  libname

int udlib_edit APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
int  val,
short *  idx,
int  kind,
int  nclip,
GRECT *  gclip

int udlib_exit APPvar app  ) 

free all userdef libraries

This function will free all UDLIB_OBJ objects still allocated (properly, thru udlib_extfree()). Then the garbage is called to free all the userdef libraries (because they are now all unused).

int udlib_extended APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
int  mode

int udlib_extfree APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob

int udlib_garbage APPvar app  ) 

free unused userdef libraries

the number of libraries free-ed.

int udlib_get_edpos APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
long  object,
long  x,
long  y

int udlib_get_type APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  object

UDLIB_OBJ* udlib_objfind UDLIB_LIB udlib,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob

int udlib_reinit APPvar app  ) 

int udlib_rm_obj UDLIB_LIB udlib,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob

int udlib_string APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
char *  put,
char **  retval

int udlib_unextended APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  ob,
OBJECT *  cpy

int vq_extfs char *  path  ) 

test of long filename

path complet path of a file or folder
1 if the file system supports long file name, 0 else.
vq_extfs() tests if the file system supports long file name. MiNT and MagiC are concerned.

int vq_magx void   ) 

test if MagiC is present and returns the version number

the MagiC version number (from MagiC 3) or 0 if MagiC is not present.

int vq_mint void   ) 

return the version of MiNT

the version of MiNT or 0 if MiNT is not detected

void win_comp_attach APPvar app,

COMPONENT* win_comp_get APPvar app,

COMPONENT* win_comp_getfocus APPvar app,

void win_comp_setfocus APPvar app,

int __CDECL wind_aes_calc APPvar app,
WINDOW wind,
int  type,
int  x,
int  y,
int  w,
int  h,
INT16 *  xout,
INT16 *  yout,
INT16 *  wout,
INT16 *  hout

int __CDECL wind_aes_get APPvar app,
int  mode,
GRECT *  clip,
INT16 *  x,
INT16 *  y,
INT16 *  w,
INT16 *  h

Get window attributes.

app application descriptor,
win target window
mode attribute to read,
clip rectagle to optimize the result,
x,y,w,h meanning depend on value of mode.
0 or a negative code error.
This an internal WinDom function not to be used by applications. They should use mt_WindGet().

See also:
mt_WindGet(), mt_WindSet()

int __CDECL wind_aes_get_root_handle APPvar app,

int __CDECL wind_aes_remove APPvar app,

int __CDECL wind_aes_set APPvar app,
int  mode,
int  par1,
int  par2,
int  par3,
int  par4

set/change window attributes.

app application descriptor,
win window descriptor (or NULL in some case),
mode attribute to change,
par4 meanning of these 4 parameters depend on mode value as explained elswhere.
O or a negative error code.
This is WinDom internal function not to be used by applications. They should use mt_WindSet() instead.

See also:
mt_WindSet(), t_WindGet().

void wind_menu_draw APPvar app,
GRECT *  clip

int wind_menu_set APPvar app,
int  mode,
void *  v1,
func_evnt  handler

Set the WINDOW menu appropriately.

app application descriptor,
win window descriptor
mode WindSet() mode,
v1 pointer to a data (parameters p1 and p2 of WindSet()),
handler pointer to a callback function (parameters p3 and p4 of WindSet())
0 on success otherwise negative error code
FIXME: MOVE to other file? perhaps comp_menu.c is the right place later on?

void wlst_add_bottom APPvar app,

void wlst_add_top APPvar app,

WINDOW* wlst_get_bottom APPvar app  ) 

WINDOW* wlst_get_next APPvar app,

WINDOW* wlst_get_top APPvar app  ) 

void wlst_recompute_wglb APPvar app  ) 

void wlst_remove APPvar app,

Generated on Thu Jun 22 11:45:27 2006 for WinDom by  doxygen 1.4.6