BubbleGEM Library
[Reference documentation]

Group of functions devoted to handle efficiently the BubbleGEM system. More...


#define BubbleConf(a)


int mt_BubbleCall (APPvar *app, char *help, int x, int y)
 Display a bubble help.
int mt_BubbleModal (APPvar *app, char *help, int x, int y)
 Display a bubble help in a classic formular.
int mt_BubbleDo (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int __index)
 alternative FormDo() function for BubbleGEM
int mt_BubbleAttach (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int __index, char *help)
 Link a bubble help to an object.
void mt_BubbleFree (APPvar *app)
 release memory reverved by BubbleAttach().
int mt_BubbleFind (APPvar *app, OBJECT *tree, int __index, char **help)
 Find a bubble linked to an object.
int mt_BubbleEvnt (APPvar *app)
 display the bubble help defined by BubbleAttach().
int mt_BubbleGet (APPvar *app)
 load the BubbleGEM daemon in memory

Detailed Description

Group of functions devoted to handle efficiently the BubbleGEM system.

Define Documentation

#define BubbleConf  ) 

Function Documentation

int mt_BubbleAttach APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  index,
char *  help

Link a bubble help to an object.

app application descriptor,
tree address of an objects tree,
index object index,
help address of string to display in the bubble (the string is not duplicated)
0 (success) or -1 (memory error).
This function links a bubble help to an objet in a window formular or a toolbar. The bubble will be displayed by the mt_BubbleEvnt() function, typically after a timer event or a right mouse button event. When the program terminates, the bubbles should be free up with the mt_BubbleFree() function.

See also:
mt_BubbleEvnt(), mt_BubbleFree(), mt_BubbleFind().

int mt_BubbleCall APPvar app,
char *  help,
int  x,
int  y

Display a bubble help.

app application descriptor,
help pointeur to the string to display in a bubble
x,y coordinates of the bubble (use the mouse position)
0 (success) or one of the following error code :
  • (-1) bubbleGEM not loaded
  • (-2) the environment variable "BUBBLE=" is wrong
  • (-3) memory allocation error
mt_BubbleCall() sends a message to BUBBLE.APP to display a bubble help. If BUBBLE.APP is not loaded, mt_BubbleCall() tries to load it using the PATH or BUBBLE or BUBBLEGEM environ variables. This function just display a bubble help. It is possible to attach a bubble help to an object from a formular or a toolbar and display them systematically. For that purpose, see the mt_BubbleAttach() and mt_BubbleEvnt() functions.

The AES should not be stopped, that is the case with classic formulars which make use of wind_update() function, when the mt_BubbleCall() function is invoked. However, it is possible to call BubbleGEM from a classic formular with the mt_BubbleModal() function.

A '|' character forces a carriage return inside the bubble help
See also:
mt_BubbleAttach(), mt_BubbleEvnt(), mt_BubbleFree(), mt_BubbleFind().

int mt_BubbleDo APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  edit

alternative FormDo() function for BubbleGEM

app,tree,edit see mt_FormDo().
see mt_BubbleModal() for details

See also:

int mt_BubbleEvnt APPvar app  ) 

display the bubble help defined by BubbleAttach().

app application descriptor
Return values:
0 if bubble is not found
WS_FORM if bubble is found in a dialog box
MW_TOOLBAR if bubble is found in a toolbar
This function finds the object pointed by the mouse sprite. If an object is found and if a bubble help is linked to this object (with mt_BubbleAttach()) the bubble help is displayed. mt_BubbleEvnt() works only with window formular or toolbar.

#include <windom.h>

void RightButton( void) {
    if( evnt.mbut & 0x2)

int main(void) {
    OBJECT *tree;
    RsrcLoad( "TEST.RSC");
    rsrc_gaddr( 0, FORM1, &tree);
    // Link the bubble help to objects ...
    BubbleAttach( tree,  0, "Formular background");
    BubbleAttach( tree, OK, "An exit button"); 
    // Create form
    FormCreate( tree, MOVER|NAME, NULL, "test", NULL, 1, 0);

    // Handle globally the MU_BUTTON event
    EvntAttach( NULL, WM_XBUTTON, RightButton);

        EvntWindom( MU_MESAG|MU_BUTTON);
    while( wglb.first);

    BubbleFree();  // release the bubbles
    return 0;

See also:
mt_BubbleAttach(), mt_BubbleFree(), mt_BubbleFind(), W_FORM

int mt_BubbleFind APPvar app,
OBJECT *  tree,
int  index,
char **  help

Find a bubble linked to an object.

app application descriptor,
tree address of an objects tree,
index object index,
help will be filled-in with the address of the string to display in the bubble
1 if a bubble is found, 0 otherwise.
mt_BubbleFind() is called by mt_BubbleEvnt() to find the text to display in a bubble help. It can be used to find a bubble and display it with mt_BubbleCall() if you are not interesting to use mt_BubbleEvnt().

See also:
mt_BubbleCall(), mt_BubbleEvnt(), mt_BubbleAttach()

void mt_BubbleFree APPvar app  ) 

release memory reverved by BubbleAttach().

app application descriptor,
See also:

int mt_BubbleGet APPvar app  ) 

load the BubbleGEM daemon in memory

app application descriptor,
the AES application ID of bubbleGEM, or a negative value if bubbleGEM is not loaded
mt_BubbleGet() loads if needed BUBBLE.APP, the BubbleGEM daemon, in memory and returns its AES app-id. Its uses the AES environ variable 'BUBBLE=' and 'BUBBLEGEM=' to locate the program. A search in 'PATH=' folders is performed too. mt_BubbleGet() is called because a mt_BubbleModal() call.

See also:
mt_BubbleModal(), mt_BubbleCall().

int mt_BubbleModal APPvar app,
char *  hlp,
int  mx,
int  my

Display a bubble help in a classic formular.

app application descriptor,
hlp pointeur to the string to display in a bubble
mx,my coordinates of the bubble (use the mouse position)
0 (success) or a negative error code :
mt_BubbleModal() is the equivalent function of mt_BubbleCall() function in the case of classic formulars (i.e. a formular stopping AES events). This function works only from BubbleGEM R05. With former version of BubbleGEM, it is not possible to call BubbleGEM from a classic formular.

If BUBBLE.APP is not present in memory, mt_BubbleModal() is not able to load it (because AES is stopped). So the BubbleGEM daemon can be launched prevously with the BubbletGet() function.

Because the form_do() function can not handle the right mouse button event, WinDom offers an alternative function to display systematically bubbles with mt_BubbleAttach() and mt_BubbleEvnt() functions : it is the mt_BubbleDo() function. This function is not universal, for custom usage, write your own mt_BubbleDo() function (looking at the mt_BubbleDo() source code. This function is simple, it uses the functions of the AES form library.

A complet example is given is the folder EXAMPLES/BUBBLE of the WDK package.

See also:
mt_BubbleGet(), mt_BubbleDo(), mt_BubbleAttach().

Generated on Thu Jun 22 11:45:28 2006 for WinDom by  doxygen 1.4.6