Version 1.21.3 (November 2004)
- Fix: 3D buttons of the font selector were smaller each time the font selector is invoked (bug fixed in the way OBJECTs are transformed to USERDEF).
- Fix: restoring of the mouse form (if AES4_XGMOUSE flag is set)
- Fix: area returned by WF_FIRSTXYWH is now intersected with the screen area (needed for some AES that returns area partially out of the screen when the window is partially out of the screen)
- fix: double call of functions binded to menu
- fix: redraw of menu in window under xaaes
- fix: drawing of children in ObjcDraw() with OC_OBJC mode
Version 1.21.2 (September 2004)
- Fix a critical bug which was crashed extended objects userdefs routines under PlainTOS. Userdefs routines use now less static memory, a gemdos call performed under supervisor mode has been removed. The WinDom demo works nows under plainTOS :-).
Version 1.21.1 (July 2004)
- Only bug fixes (See file Changelog for details).
Version 1.21.0 (i.e. 1.21 Release 00, December 2003)
- WinDom is now developped on the Sourceforge plateform (see Last release can be obtained from which become the official home page (old will be not supported).
- Source files have been totally reorganized : each C module has been splitted into small module containing only one WinDom function. This method allows to decrease size of executable when we compile with Gcc (useless modules will be not linked).
- WinDom source compilation requires a file system supporting long name.
- WinDom works on Aranym. The demo program run happily but Xaaes does not like MENUTITLE object as G_TITLE in the desktop menu. So we have removed these type from the demo resource file.
- WinDom requires now only GEMLIB pl43 library. PCGEMLIB is no long support on Pure C compiler.
- The specific WinDom WM_MNSELECTED message has been removed. Instead of this message, WinDom use now the extended MN_SELECTED message protocol (AES 3.3) to handle menu in windows.
- WinDom tries to support window menu capability of Xaaes. The new widget MENUBAR can be used in WindCreate(). Adding the variable variable
- Some constants from windom.h have been removed or renamed :
- WF_MENU removed (defined in gem.h)
- APC_xxx constants removed (defined in gem.h)
- WF_WINX and WF_WINXCFG removed (defined in gem.h)
- B_UNTOPPABLE removed (defined as BEVENT_WORK in gem.h)
- ED_xxx constants removed (defined in gem.h)
Version 1.20 Release 02 (November 2002)
- The only reason of this new WinDom release is the change of legal status of WinDom. WinDom is now distributed under the conditions specified by the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENCE. In the authors spirit, usage of WinDom was really closed to the GNU Licence, however we clarify officially this point in this special issue. If you doesnot know the GNU licence, you HAVE TO read the section LGPL (or file COPYRIGHT).
- Adding in tools folder some hack to handle Drag'n Drop protocol.
Version 1.20 Release 01 (October 2002)
- The FRAMEINFO structure has been hidden from the WINDOW structure (see details below).
- Bag bug fixed in Galloc().
- conf_path() converts correctly absolute unix standard path (e.g. /etc is converted to U:/etc).
- Bag bug fixed in ObjcEdit() : parameter obj is now checked.
- app.work_in had a bad size !! (10 elements instead of 11).
- New prototype for ApplSet() with APS_FLAGS mode (see manual of ApplSet()).
- Color palet handling is disabled in true color mode (e.g. when app.nplanes > 8).
- Bug fixed in color palet updating when a WF_TOP message occures.
- New message WM_PREREDRAW.
- WinDom functions (try to) use standard TOS error specified in the header file toserror.h provided in the package.
- New functions EvntDataAttach(), EvntDataAdd() : user data can be binded to event function. ObjcAttach() and RsrcUserDraw() can bind data too. This new feature is really powerfull and makes the Data library deprecated.
- Due to the previous extension, FormThumb() can now handle severals thumb indexes by formular.
- WinDom can be compiled with the Pure C driver of Julian F. Reschke. It is easier to the author to compile WinDom (a simple gmake command is used to compile WinDom for all supported compiler).
- Extended object XEDIT works better but crashes under Naes.
- Bug fixed in obj_root() and ShelWrite().
- When it is possible (app.nplanes>=4) disabled objects in extended types are displaying with LBLACK color (and not the LIGHT attribut).
- New extended objects XLONGBOXTEXT (a box containing several line of text) and XTEDINFO (as TEDINFO objects but with a same visual aspect however the AES version) (see (!link [Extended types and ressource editor section] [xtype_editor])).
- Objects SLIDEPART had been improved.
- Several bugs fixed in frame library and modification :
- Better aspect of frame widgets (using Arnaud's widgets).
- New mode APS_FRAMEWIDGETSIZE in ApplSet().
- Frame structures are now private and hidden (futur enhancement will be more portable from user point of view).
- New function FrameGet() to access frame informations (now hidden).
- All examples of frame programming have been recompiled (and adapted to new window specifications).
- contains -1 when AES session is not initialised (i.e. before ApplInit() call).
- New function FormResize().
- New Sliders library to handle slider objects in formulars (see examples/sliders/ demonstration in the distribution).
Version 1.10 (September 2001)
- In this version, many fundamental changes appear. Please, read the section Convert your old WinDom applications if you already have used WinDom,
- Arnaud Bercegeay is now associated at the WinDom Project. Most of new features are supported by him. Its last contribution is the Gcc 32 bits support (thanx to him, it is really a great hacker !).
- WinDom is now available for Gcc ! Read the section Gcc 32 bits portability). Notice it is the main change in this release.
- New functions FormThbGet() and FormThbSet().
- New function EvntRedraw().
- Function ObjcEdit() have new prototype.
- rect_set(), set_clip(), clip_off() respectively renammed in rc_set(), rc_clip_on(), rc_clip_off().
- ExecGemApp() renammed in ShelWrite().
- New mode in RsrcXtype().
- New prototype for ObjcDup() (more object types are supported).
- It is now possible to attach a variable or a function to the desktop menu (see ObjcAttach()).
- New Functions WindTop() and WindFind().
- The undocumented AvServer() function is now officiel and had changed its prototype.
- New WinDom configuration feature: if a variable is not found in the application configuration, it is searched in the default configuration. It is meanning that the default configuration affects all WinDom applications except if addressed variables are defined in the application configuration.
- if the user click on a menu window or a toolbar window without actived an object, the window is topped.
- function rc_intersect() and grect_to_array() had moved in PCGMXLIB because they are binded in GemLIB.
- DEMO program release 3.
- WindClear() : if a background color is not supported, white color is taken.
- new public variable app.pipe : it is a 256-buffer in global memory used by WinDom for extern GEM communication. It can used by programer for his own communications.
- Fixed bug in FselInput (case for ext == NULL).
- Fixed bug in toolbar resizing.
- Fixed bug in window menu selection with Naes.
- Fixed bug in FormThumb().
Version 1.00 (November 2000)
- In this version, many fundamental changes appear. Please, read the section Convert your old WinDom applications if you already have used WinDom,
- WinDom is now available to Sozobon X (thanks to A.Bercegeay for his precious help),
- Source files have new structure : all new AES and new VDI functions are binded in a separated library. WinDom should be linked with GemLib pl38 if you use Sozobon version and should be linked with PCGEMLIB.LIB and PCGMXLIB.LIB (this last library is a part of WinDom package) if you use Pure C.
- Many bugs have been fixed in Event Library. It is now possible to attach severals function to a same function (see EvntAdd(), EvntRemove(), EvntEnable() and EvntDisable()). For this raison, functions EvntAttach(), EventDelete() and EvntExec() have a different behavior than in the previous version. MU_XTIMER, MU_XM1 and MU_XM2 events can be binded to a global function,
- An illimited number of data can be attached to a window (see Data Library) : the fields data and data2 in WINDOW structure are now obsolet !
- Bag bug fixed in modal formulars (this bug appeared in the last version),
- TEDINFO objects are now duplicated by ObjcDup(),
- New mode WF_MENU_HILIGHT in WindSet() : a function can be called when the user navigates a window menu : very usefull for help message !
- New mode WF_ICONDRAW in WindSet(),
- New functions ApplSet() / ApplGet() to parametrize the application,
- Bug fixed in the detection of the ApplControl() function,
- WinDom configuration file is now searched in the $ETC directory,
- The variable evnt.timer replaces the two variable evnt.hi_timer and evnt.lo_timer,
- New standard function, std_btm, to handle WM_BOTTOMED message,
- Bugs fixed in std_rtlnd() and std_dnlnd() (fixed by A.Bercegeay),
- New mode in ObjcChange() : a state can be unset (contrib of A.Bercegeay),
- Thumbs objects are now automatically handled (FormThumb()),
- New variable app.nplanes giving the number of planes of the current screen resolution (requested by A.Bercegeay),
- New messages WM_(UP|DN)(LINE|PAGE), WM_(LF|RT)(LINE|PAGE) allows to bind directly the arrowed event (WA_) without use an arrowed event function (WM_ARROWED),
- New functions RsrcXload(), RsrcGaddr() and RsrcGhdr(),
- MenuPopUp() has been completly rewritten by A.Bercegeay to support slider widget for large popup,
- std_dstry() sends an AP_TERM message if a desktop menu is not defined,
- some problems in DCRBUTTON object redraw have been fixed,
- when disabled, a MENUTITLE can contain a label (see DEMO.APP for an example).
Version of March 2000
- In this version, many fundamental changes appear. Please, read the section Convert your old WinDom applications if you already have used WinDom,
- Documentation has been translated in english. Only the english version is now supported. The documentation has been revised, many errors corrected ...
- New functions EvntAttach(), EvntDelete(), EvntFind(), EvntExec() to handle easily all GEM event. WinDom uses a new way to handle window events and all function pointers of the WINDOW structure disappear,
- Bug fixed in ConfWrite(),
- New messages AP_BUTTON and AP_KEYBD,
- FRAME_NOBG bit (see FrameSet()) now documented,
- with low resolution screen, the extended object text are displayed with the system font with a fixed size,
- new FormCreate() feature: if a form is bigger than the desktop, widget scrollers are automatically added to the window,
- new extended objet DIALMOVER (17) to draw background forms,
- new variables windom.relief.{color,mono} in configuration file,
- bug fixed in give_iconifyxywh() : it returns now a correct value with MagiC,
- the MENUTITLE seperator objects are better displayed,
- the message WM_LOADCONF is renamed to AP_LOADCONF,
- new FormAlert() function,
- if a menu or a toolbar is added or removed in a opened window, the size of the window is update in order to keep the same workspace size (see WindSet()),
- MouseObjc() works now correctly,
- bog fixed in MenuPopUp() : a false value was returned when the popup was closed without mouse movement,
- new function ObjcAttach() which allow to link object to variable or function,
- bog fixed in frm_fld() function (fuller event of window formular),
- new WF_ICONTITLE mode in WindSet() and WindGet() to define the iconified window title, new comportement of iconify and uniconify standard event function: the window gets the icon or normal title without a specific call of WindSet(),
- new WF_ICONDRAW mode in WindSet() and WindGet() to define the icon redraw function,
- the fullsize field in the WINDOW structure is replaced by the WS_FULLSIZE bit in the status field of the WINDOW structure,
- work area of WinDom windows (toolbar and menu take into account) are now correctly clipped during a WM_REDRAW event (Zerkman report).
Version of June 1999
- bad bug in get_cookie() fixed (supervisor mode),
- diverses bugs fixed in WindGet(),
- the app.ntree variable contains the numbre of tree in the ressource file loaded by RsrcLoad(),
- a menu window can scroll (see (,
- New function MenuScroll(),
- bug fixed in DEMO.APP,
- MenuPopUp():
- popup placement bug fixed,
- Zerkman suggestion: a list popup style can be parametrized in configuration file (see windom.popup.* variables),
- new P_CHECK option in MenuPopup() !end_itemize
- WindClear() : new variables*,
- GrectCenter() : new prototype and use the configuration variable,
- new coonfiguration variables: windom.popup.window, windom.mform.attrib and windom.window.effect,
- FselInput() : !begin_itemize
- new prototype de FselInput() ( two additional parameters),
- nez configuration variables windom.fsel.fslx, windom.fsel.path and windom.fsel.mask,
- BoxKite 2.00 compatibilty,
- specific use of fslx_() functions (window file selector) if possible (MagiC, Wdialog),
- Selectric compatibility, !end_itemize
- If you use new file system with lmong filename (MinixFS,Vfat,Vfat32,...) the WINDOM.CNF can be rename in .windomrc (unix style),
- Bug fixed in RsrcLoad(): ressources placed in a subdirectory are correctly loaded with Naes. The ressource pathname can have a TOS format (C:/subdir\) or a MINT format (/c/subdir/)
- Bug fixed in ApplInit(): system extensions are correctly interpreted when appl_getinfo() function is partially implemented (WinX,Wdialog),
- New functions: conv_path(), vq_extfs(), vq_winx(), Galloc().
- If the AV environnent is installed (AvInit()), the window opened are declared to the AV-server (message AV_ACCWINDOPEN, AV_ACCWINDCLOSED). In this case, the AV server can possibly use the AV_DRAGDROP message instead of the standard AP_DRAGDROP,
- New mode in ObjcDraw()/ObjcChange(): OC_OBJC.
- BubbleGEM functions are implmented for classical GEM formulars (see functions BubbleModal(), BubbleDo() and BubbleGet()).
- The S type in ConfInquire() function is now obsolet: ConfInquire() detect if the string have double quote deliminters. This type is keeped for compatibility,
- New fonction WriteConf().
- New fonctions vq_naes(), ApplControl(), appl_control().
- New window feature: with MagiC or Naes, a shift-closer on a window masks the application,
Generated on Thu Jun 22 11:45:27 2006 for WinDom by